Cape Times E-dition



When I watched today’s deal in a penny game, East was Grapefruit, our club member who can’t weigh anyone’s faults without putting a finger on the scales. He berates his partners without mercy. Against 2NT, West led a heart. South won in dummy and let the eight of diamonds ride, and West took the queen and shifted to the deuce of spades: four, queen, ace. South lost a diamond to the ace, and after West took three spades, South claimed, making two.

“I’ve never lost like this before,” West sighed.

“You’ve played before?” Grapefruit sneered. “A 5-year-old child beats that contract.”

Six Tricks

West needs six tricks. If East has the ace of spades, West can get four spades and two diamonds, but he will have a chance for a spade shift when he takes the ace of diamonds. At Trick Three, West should lead a club honor, hoping East has Q-x-xx-x.

“You should bid two clubs over the redouble to help me,” West said. “Exactly what time today did you learn to play?” Grapefruit roared.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ KJ82 ♥ 10 8 7 3 ♦ AQ ♣ K J 5. Your partner opens one heart, and you respond 2NT, an artificial forcing raise. He next bids three clubs. What do you say?

Answer: In conjunction with your 2NT, partner’s three clubs shows a singleton there. The idea is to let you judge whether you have useful cards. If your clubs were A-8-5, you would be encouraged, but the K-J are “wasted” opposite his singleton. Sign off at four hearts.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable





African News Agency